Best Love Bond
Our studio officiates various types of Ligaments of Love, each valid but suitable for different situations.
Below we explain how to choose the best ligament of love to be commissioned.
First of all, a premise must be made, it is necessary to choose whether a coercive or non-coercive strategy:
White Magic and Red Magic are not constricting unlike Black Magic.
For situations where you believe that the person/s to be tied to you has feelings of love for you, or to consolidate a union, it is better to choose the White Magic (which is also the least expensive).
Please note: White Magic is not of a coercive nature, if the target does not have feelings of love for you it will not work.
For situations where you believe that the person(s) you want to bond with have feelings of love for you but you are not indifferent to them, you can choose the Red Magic.
For blocked situations where you need to act strongly you have to choose the Black magic.
Black magic is the only type of magic with a compelling goal.
Basic Ligament of Love in White Magic
Basic Ligament of Love in Red Magic for fairly simple situations. Where there is already a friendship or where there may already be feelings.
Basic Ligament of Love in Black Magic for more difficult situations, where there is a need for black magic and therefore for an intervention with a coercive objective.
Impositive Ligament of Love (note that false operators call their ligament that without knowing what it really is) for difficult situations where it would be difficult for there to be a feeling.
Indissoluble Ligament of Love (note that false operators call their ligament that without knowing what it really is) for very difficult situations.